• Salisbury 01722 672000
  • Exeter 01392 956100
  • Glastonbury 01749 683900
  • Wells 01749 683900

Big storage - great prices

01722 672000

01392 956100

  • Storage Factory Blog

Van Hire

19 August 2020

Don't forget that we do Van hire from both our Storage locations. It is an easy and convenient way to move your possessions. Available to both customers and non customers.

Hire | Van | Storage

Van Hire

16 August 2020

Don't forget that we do Van hire from both our Storage locations. It is an easy and convienent way to move your possessions. Avaliable to both customers and non customers.

Van | Hire | Storage

Welcome To Storage Factory

15 August 2020

Welcome to our new website, we have branches in Salisbury and Exeter. We are working reduced hours at the moment due to COVID-19, but why not get and touch and see if we can help with your storage needs

Storage | Salisbury | Exeter